I don't have a "normal" mind. At least that is what I've been told ever since I can remember. Even my mother said I was "mentally retarded". But that is a story for another day. Suffice it to say being a mentally retarded accident was an interesting introduction to life. Kind of puts one in one's place from the beginning.
But for some reason this deficient mind of mine keeps on working and producing "odd" thoughts. (Well, what other than odd would you expect? Really, now.) So, out of boredom (someone explain the difference between boredom and ennui, please) I decided to create this little hole in reality where I can wander among the future and past, the real and unreal, the serious and fanciful things that inhabit my little chunk of "reality" every day.
Wisdom or answers, I have none. Questions I have many. Opinions galore. Purpose? Perhaps it is for my own amusemement or just some place to idle my time away in meaningless essays on meaningless activities in a meaningless existance. We'll see.
I'll put the link out on Face Book in case anyone cares to look. Is it arrogance to imagine someone else might care to read my ponderings? Probably. Then ask me do I give a damn. Come here or stay away. It's all the same to me. This is my place to rant, rave, delve into philosphy and question everything anyone (including me) holds as holy. Come by if you'd like. Don't if you'd like. All the same to me. All the same to the world in the end.
Anyone who uses the word "ennui" in a casual paragraph is someone I'll come back to read, lol.