Friday, October 7, 2011

False Memories

I've heard a  lot about false memories mostly from regression hypnotist results.  False memories of alien abduction and/or sexual abuse.  I think that should make us all think about the things we are so sure we remember.  In fact, law enforcement knows the least reliable evidence is eye witnesses.  Kind of scary isn't it?

This is  just a short anecdote on false memories.  When I was about four years old we moved from Stafford to Spring Know Tower.  I would swear I remembe a little, red spots car zooimng past our house going toward Spicy Gap on route 40. 

It was not but a few minutes until we got the truck loaded (I have NO clue who provided the truck) and we drove off toward the Spicy Gap because that was where the old dirt road turned off to the tower.  Just before we got to the foot of the hill I could swear on a stack of bibles I ssw that little, red sports car lying on it's top in the ditch on the right side of the road.  We drove on past but it seems I can remember some conversation regarding the driver.

My brother who was there says he remembers nothing like that.  I assume my sister was there but I don't recall ever questioning her about it.

Makes one wonder about the truth we think we know from our own recollections.  That is a point to remember as one grows older.  Those things we remember may or may hot have happened at all.  And there is now way to know the difference as memories are nothing but chemical connections and nerounic links in the brain. 

No matter how certain we are of what  happened we should take our own memories with a 'grain or salt'.  No matter how clearly we may remember something.  It may have never happened.

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

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