Friday, November 18, 2011

Crochet and Trash Cans

When I was in my pre-teens I used to help my mother crochet things.  It was fun.  We had the smaller crochet hoops I would use.  I guess back then I had some semblance of patience  unlike today.  In fact my wife says I have "negative patience".

But the favorite thing I ever did with my mom (other than gathering greens from the roadside when I was much younger) was making garbage cans.  We'd make them and she'd sell them for like a dollar each.  I guess that was good as our only monetary investment was a bottle of "Elmer's Glue".

I can't remember where she would get them but she would obtain empty ice cream buckets and clean them out.  She would also obtain a stack of used magazines.  So we would sit and make tubes from magazine pages and gluing them to the outside of the ice cream bucket and make garbage cans.

Pretty simple but look at a magazine page and imagine rolling it on the diagonal in a tight roll.  The colors make a wonderful pattern of light and dark.  Have to "wet" your fingers to get the roll started correctly and really keep the roll tight... Then glue them on the ice cream bucket.  Once the glue has set you trim the top and bottom of the magazine page rolls and you have a quite attractive (small) trash can. 

I can remember sitting in our living room and doing this for, what seems now to be hours.  Probably was not as I did not have that much attention span for anything but Loony Tunes and books.  

1 comment:

  1. Corey bought me a cross for Mother's Day, once, made from rolled magazine pages, and I have always intended to try it myself.
