On Friday 08/24/2012 Tyrus Lloyd Young came into this world. He is the first son of my youngest daughter and makes me three grandsons. That adds even more to my disbelief that I'm a grandfather. It just does not seem possible. My tiny girl children are having babies. Where was I when they got that old? Where was I when I got that old?
My family has been blessed with healthy babies. This time, little Tyrus, had some issues though. He was a little early though he was still a healthy 7 lb 5 oz. But he was not breathing completely normally and his heart showed some "abnormalities". I visited the hospital twice and my wife once and we barely got to see the little man because they had him in the nursery so much of the time to run tests. But from our short time together as well as his photos on Facebook I can tell he is a handsome young'un.
He has some problems, some of which should correct themselves shortly, one which may require surgery but even so I'm thankful as so many parents and grandparents have so many tougher things to deal with. At least Mr T.L.s problems are correctable.
Makes me think back to my own children and how thankful I am for them and that they were healthy and intelligent and grew up to be such amazing women. I tell them I love them often but I don't think they understand that until they look at their own children sleeping. A quiet time when one realizes, despite the troubles of the day, just how much love a parent has for his/her child.
When my two girls look at their own children they might come close to understanding how much I love them. They might come close to understanding how much I love my grand-children. Though I am not the best ever was at expressing emotion.
Even more I'm happy each of them has married a man who appears to me to be a good man, a good husband and a good father. I know I don't have to worry about my children and my grandchildren as they have a good husband and father to do the worrying for me.
A lot of people want a lot of things in life and I guess I'm the same. But, when I stop and look at it I realize how much I've been blessed and how undeserved those blessings are. I would not trade my daughters, my sons-in-law, my grandchildren for anything.
I love you, Daddy.