I recently reconnected with an old classmate on Facebook. Guy I went to school with from 1961 - 1967 at West Van Lear (Ky) Elementary. He posted these fifty things and I thought it might be interesting to post my thoughts and memories about each of them. That is what follows.
1. Mumbly Peg (using pen knives)
**** Yep. Did that. Lacey Waller taught me that when I was around five. I have lots of interesting memories of Lacey and one of his brothers which I may have talked about in the past and might talk about in the future.
2. Whittling
**** Yep. Never was very good at it and never saw much point in it but I did do it.
3 Marbles
**** Another childhood endeavor I absolutely SUCKED at. 'Nuff said.
4 Jacks
**** Tried it with the girls but mostly just 'cause I loved girls and it was a good excuse to hang with them. Things which required (or require) hand/eye coordination are things I suck at.
5 Hop Scotch
**** Surprisingly, I was not horrible at this. Unfortunately, I found it boring so I did not do it.
6 Hula hoop
**** This one is almost before my time. I can recall my elder sister doing that but it never interested me at all.
7. Kick the Can
**** ONLY time I can remember playing this was at the Preston's Gap one-room school I attended in first grade. Was not very good at it.
8. Tiddly Winks
**** Nope. Never. Not any absence in my life I want to fill, either.
9. Jump rope ( especially double Dutch )
**** Rarely tried this. Sucked.
10. Stretch (using pen knives both with or without shoes)
**** I don't recall ever hearing about it. Anyone who knows about this, please explain it to me.
11. BB guns
**** Oh year, lots of BB gun experience. Never owned one as a kid but the oldest son of the family my mother baby sat for did and he enjoyed having me running away from him and shooting me in the a... nether regions. Doggone, I was stupid.
12. Red Rover
**** Now, this was one game I was pretty good at. I never tried to run through the interlocked hands but jumped on them an let my weight do the work. Surprising how much of sports is mental.
13. Checkers (non electronic )
14. Slinky
**** Never owned one but loved the commercials. :-)
15. Silly Putty
***** Came in a plastic 'egg'. Still fascinates me to this day.
16. Hens and chicks
**** Another one I don't recall at all.
17. Who could eat the most disgusting thing? (Bug, grasshopper, etc.
**** Never ate bugs. I was big on rocks though. Those really thin, crunchy ones were the best.
18. Handlebars with Streamers on bicycle
**** Remember them. Can't remember if I ever had them.
19. Balloons and baseball cards in spokes of bicycle to make motor noise.
**** Darn.. I loved this one. If I had a bicycle now I might still do it.
20. Tie string to the leg of June Bug so it would fly around and round until
**** Not exactly. Still do remember catching them though.
its leg came off.
21. Little girls having tea parties with their toy dishes.
**** Did that really happen?
22 Playing horse while playing basketball with friends.
**** OK, played that until I was 32 and joined the Army. My best 'horse' move was a drive to the basket and jump over the baseline and flip the ball over my head over the top of the backboard and in. Can't say how much I practiced that. :-)
23. Playing 21 while playing basketball with friends
**** Not sure of this one. We used to play "make it/take it" to 21 win by 2. Same thing?
24. Hacky Sack
**** Nope not me. My elder daughter would be familiar with this though.
25. Real Jarts you still have before they were pulled from the market
as too dangerous
**** Played some as an adult. Never as a kid.
26. Played chicken with a coming train or car.
**** That was something some I knew might do. I understood the math.
27. Croquet
**** Believe it or not I did a lot of this. My mother did a lot of this and I would help her a lot.
28 Whiffle Ball
**** Oh yeah!!!! Not so much as a kid but more as an adult with my nephews. Wow, you could make a whiffle ball do tricks.
29. Cake Walk (To Raise Money)
**** OK, I was very unpopular in school and did not have a lot of the same experiences others did but I did do the cake walks. In the fifth grade I won three in a row. My teacher (Mrs. Mollette) gave me a dime to enter the fourth and I did not win. I was crushed. Crushed. Still hate losing on her dime.
30 Darts
**** Darts was something interesting. My elder brother taught me to make darts from a long "kitchen match". Use a sewing needle for the point and folded paper for the vanes. Played that kind of darts until I was in my 20's.
31 Solitaire (non electronic )
**** Big thing. Hours and hours killed.
32 Hide and go seek
**** Oh, yeah! We also had a hide and seek game called "whistle or holler". We'd do this at night and go hide somewhere and when "it" would yell whistle or holler everybody had to. That is where I learned to hide in plain sight. I'd find a pool of shadows in the middle of an open space where no one would try to hide and just lie there and blend into the shadows. Never did get found. :-)
33. Peg Board
34. Key Punch
**** Peg Board and Key Punch? Aren't those the same thing? When I was in my single digit years my dad and I were walking to my grandparent's house and stopped at Sherman LeMaster's store. He had a peg board/key punch for a cedar chest of candy. There were only like five punches left and in my naive state I thought if we bought them all we would win. I convinced my dad to buy them all and... WE WON! Gave it to my mother. I still have it. Over 45 years old now.
35 Brill Cream (A little dab will do you)
**** Yep, I remember that. Of course right now a zero dab will do me. :-)
36 Race your friend just for the fun of it.
**** Yep. Never raced a lot but lost a lot when I did. :-) I remember once Susan Watkins had just gotten a new pair of Keds and we raced from the street where the church was beside our school down to the driveway of the stone church down by the 'S' curve. She smoked my a$$. :-) I love her anyhow.
37. Black Salve
**** Not just back salve. Salve and lineament of every kind. Mostly Vick's Salve or something my grandfather concocted.
38. Refuse to buy bottled water
**** Never saw the point until recently (relatively) when I saw all the awful crap in our municipal water system.
39. Buying a whole friar and cutting it up yourself.
**** When I was younger we always raised our frying chickens. After we moved to West Van Lear my dad would send me to Victor Conley's store on Saturday afternoon to buy a chicken (could not cost more than a dollar) for our Sunday supper. (Yes SUPPER. Dinner is what you eat in the middle of the day!)
40. Using a meat grinder that clamps that clamps to your kitchen counter.
**** Nope never used a meat grinder.
41. Painted your bald head with paint put out by Ronko
**** Nope... Did people do that?
42. Not shopped at Wal-Mart for 30 days
**** I might not shop at Wally World for thirty days but my wife is there about five times a week.
43. Easy Bake Oven
**** Never had one but I sure do remember them!
44. Had three days of total rest.
**** Sometimes I do that now. Our company's silly vacation policy sometimes mandates I do that.
45. Asked an obnoxious neighbor or family member to leave.
**** Not me. That is what hand guns are for. LOL.
46. Men generally are the ones who usually ask women out on date
**** Always.
Have any of you ladies ever asked a man out on a date.
47. What is the most annoying thing your husband does?
48. What is the most annoying thing your wife does.?
**** Remind me (LOL) repeatedly of something I did not do or did not up to here satisfaction.
49. What would you change about yourself if you could.
**** Health. Really, your parents probably told you that and you did not worry about it. Hey, it really is the most important thing.
50 What do you see as your greatest asset?
**** My complete indifference to what other people think. Most people as really just too stupid ot live so why in the world would I be concerned with anything they think?
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