... some people are just too stupid to live.
There is a LOT of hate in this world and most of it is for stupid things. White people hate people who are not white. People who are not white hate white people and others who are not white but are not "black enough" or not "Muslim enough" or not whatever you think YOU are. Those are all BAD reasons to hate a fellow human.
Now days its popular to hate people who don't have the same gender identity you choose to ascribe to them based on genitalia Let me inform you all that is D-U-M-B. Don't waste your time hating people who have different countries of origin, practice different religions, have a different level of pigmentation, view sexuality through a different looking glass than you. Hate STUPID people. Don't BE a STUPID PERSON.
If you were born in the good old US of A and had the privilege of attending a school here for at least the number of years until you were sixteen and had the option of choosing to be stupid you have NO reason to be mangling your own language. You have NO reason to NOT know where different countries lie in the world. You have NO reason to blame anyone else for your own shortcomings. YOU have had the opportunity to succeed that millions of people in this world risk their lives to have and never get.
South Carolina is full of STUPID PEOPLE. They just elected to Congress an admitted cheater who used state funds to visit his South American mistress. Who was recently caught trespassing on his ex-wife's private property, who has ZERO redeeming traits. Why did they elect him? He is a Republican and in this state they'd elect Adolf Hitler if he ran on the Republican ticket.
I admit I generally consider Republicans to be genetically defective but South Carolina Republicans fail the test to be even marginally aware of the world around them. Oh, by the way, South Carolina STILL flies the Confederate Battle Flag on Statehouse grounds. How does a state so damn backward get away with flying a symbol of hatred and rebellion against the United States on the Statehouse grounds? Because people are too stupid to live.
Stop hating people for SILLY reasons. You can't help what the pigmentation of your skin is (unless you are pale and trying to deliberately die of skin cancer). Unfortunately, your parents probably choose your religion and most people are too weak to decide their own way. You can't help where you were born. But, by <insert mythical deity here> you can CHOOSE to educate yourself and stop being stupid.
If you don't know the difference between "there", "their", "they're" or "infer" and "imply" or you casually use "your" when "you're" is appropriate and you are American born you have WASTED the opportunity given you to be educated. Ever wonder why you NEVER get called in for that job interview? Employers do not hire STUPID people by choice. Well, except McDonalds' and they love stupid people. Both in front of and behind the cash register.
There are opportunities out there. Take advantage of them. Use adult continuing education, read books, don't take FOX News or MSNBC or CNN's word for anything. LOOK IT UP!!!! See for yourselves what is going on.
And for <insert imaginary deity here> LEARN TO EFFIN' DRIVE!!!!!
Have a nice day. :-)
I do so love you, Daddy.