It is brief. Does not take a long time to point out idiocies in a TV commercial. Today is Folger's Coffee. First, we see a woman having a cup of coffee in her kitchen when the phone rings. It is her husband calling (just how lazy have we become?) from the tent in the back yard.
Then we see her walking down the steps from the back deck with the cell phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Next she gets to the tent and all of a sudden she has no cell phone and TWO cups of coffee.
Ok, I suppose she could have stuck the phone in her pocket but she darned sure did not have an extra cup of hot coffee stuck in there. Where did it come from?
"The best part of waking up is Folgers in your (mysteriously appearing from nowhere) cup".
I pick commercials apart all the time. Corey loves DVR b/c it means not having to hear my rants.