Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rabbits, maybe.

When I was young I was a carnivore, pure and simple.  I hated most things that were not meat.  Well, my mother's biscuits and vanilla custard pies were an exception.  But, a meal without a lot of meat was a meal I did not want to eat.

Now, I'm getting older and I have a lot of medical problems.  And, now, I'm completely losing my "meat love".  When I was younger I was an avid hunter.  That changed back in 1984.  I went squirrel hunting on the land of the family of one of my classmates in the Computer class at Mayo State Vocational and Technical School at Paintsville, Ky.  I killed one squirrel that day  but did  not even clean it and cook it.  That is the last time I've gone hunting.   Nothing overly moral as I have no problems with eating squirrels (rabbits, deer, etc) someone else has killed.  I just lost my own ability to kill animals.

Since then all my meat has been "store bought" or provided my my family on my rare trips "home".  Though, right now I'd "kill" for some squirrel (especially the heads), squirrel gravy and home made biscuits, I doubt I could kill the squirrels myself.

When we are  young we do not understand (or even consider) all the changes we will experience in our lives should we manage to live long enough to experience them.  I think my food love changes are more to do with my medical conditions than anything else.  Just, now, I can barely stomach most meats.  From the guy who used to eat TWO Wendy's triples with cheese (all the way) to the guy who now can barely even eat a hamburger (with all the vegetables one can pack on it) is a big change.  It did not happen over night but it has happened.

I trust if someone else provided the squirrels I could devour them made with gravy and biscuits.  And, in that same category is rabbits.  In my life I've killed a lot of rabbits.  And if the gunshot did not finish them then a grab of the hind legs and a "karate chop" to the back of the neck would.  Easy to skin and easy to cook.  I think I may prefer squirrel over all but rabbit is quite good.  I like it both fried and stewed with gravy made over it.  It may be close to twenty years since I've had squirrel but it is probably forty since I've had a rabbit.

We have a local meat market near where I live that is quite nice.  Once when I was in there I saw a box labeled "rabbit" and I grabbed one.  When I saw t he price was over $36.00 I put it right back.  Nostalgia is good but not that good.  Still, in my memory, I love rabbits.  I've been looking on line for places to buy them and I finally found one place that sells them for a reasonable price. 

With all my medical bills I've not been able to afford the extra expense to buy some and try them out.  But if I ever get a month where doctors are not taking my every spare penny I'm going to order some rabbits.  I know I'll be the one cooking them as my wife has no clue about game meat.  But, I wonder, if my changing tastes will make my fond memories a lie and today's reality is that I cannot eat them.

I hate wasting food.  I especially hate wasting food some animal had perished to provide.  Maybe I should just stick to pasta.

1 comment:

  1. You should watch the documentary I just watched. Do y'all have streaming netflix? It wasn't the huge success stories that struck me. It was the logic. I have long suspected our diet and medicine contribute to our lack of well-being. I had thought of it as being a slower process though. Meaning, our bodies were evolving over time to handle or fight against these new toxins. It seems that it doesn't take that long though.

    I started b12 supplements today. Also, Niacin.
